The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum
(C) Jeff Behary 2010 

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Ritter Dental X-Ray Machine
Generously from the collection of Dr. Dan Cuscela

Its not everyday that two collectors live within 20 minutes of each other.  I am thrilled to have Dr. Dan Cuscela,
fellow collector and curator of the online museum as a new neighbor here in South Florida.
Dan generously gave me some doubles of his impressive collection of floor model machines.  This is a beautiful Ritter Dental
X-Ray Machine.  I was afraid to come home with it, but fortunately Rita loved it so much its now in the dining room!

It features impressive engineering all  over, but one of the highlights is the 90° Coolidge Tube.  Its awesome!

It was missing some peculiar 12-24 x 3" bolts...

I made it two for the tube holder...was up till midnight last night.  Thanks to RPT for letting me borrow the obsolete 12-24 die!

One of my homemade screws...

A view from below

I won't mention where I did this.  Some guy named "Adrian".   :)

(C) Jeff Behary, 2010