The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum


"Electrography" - A process to make Electric Autographs on film

The process was perfected by Thomas Burton Kinraide in the 1890s

It is used to study the minute details of electrical discharges...

All of these images were created in Jeff Behary's laboratory...

...a recreation of Kinraide's Spring Park Laboratory.

Reproductions of Kinraide's  machines were used to generate the electricity...

...They were built by hand using 1890s materials and technologies...

...often with little more than intuition and a few brief passages from the past...

The hearts of the machines are specially constructed Tesla Coils...

Kinraide's original electric apparatus were developed and sold as powerful X-Ray machines...

...They were the first practical apparatus to produce voltages and currents powerful enough to X-Ray the human torso...

The story of Kinraide inspired us to go to Jamaica Plain, Mass...

...there we found Kinraide's laboratory...

...underground, hidden beneath his 25-room Victorian mansion "Ravenscroft"...

...A century later, and his legacy lives on...

We preserve hundreds of his original electric discharge photos...

They can be found at

Jeff Behary continues to recreate Kinraide's experiments...

...and the work of other forgotten inventors...

Nikola Tesla, Elihu Thomson, Earle Ovington, Frederick Finch Strong, Thomas Stanley Curtis, ...

...all electrical wizards of their time...

...lost in time, but hopefully not forgotten forever...

with the help of The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum.

(C) Jeff Behary - 12. April 2008