The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

Tesla "Pancake Coils":  Redefining Tesla Technologies
The Behary "Prague Coil"
One-Kilowatt Pancake System donated to the Czech Republic
3500V .50mA Transformer
5 Step Reactance Coil
5-series .75" Diameter Self-Cooled Tungsten Spark Gap
Early Testing of "Prague Coil".  Maximum output of 9" diameter x 2.5" tall coils is a 16" Flaming Discharge.
50 Watt "Baby Prague Coil"
This system has two 3" Pancake Coils.
Output of coil, 3" Sparks, 4" Effluves
16" Pancake Coil for Pancake Magnifying System (Unfinished, Complete); 5" Diameter x 32" Tall Tertiary Coil
48" Discharges from Tertiary Coil
Reproduction Guilleminot Spiral (48" Diameter) - For Resonant Effects Of Spirals

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